Thursday, July 26, 2007

Small Town Gay Bar

Rating: 6

The gist of the movie is pretty well summed up in the title. The small town is in rural Mississippi, and boy howdy, would it be a bummer to be gay there. If the fear in the expressions of the poor southern gays isn’t convincing enough, the film features Fred Phelps of Westboro Baptist Church, also known as the ‘God Hates Fags Guy’ and his sign-wielding minions, just hatin’ away. There isn’t a lot of originality here as far as bigotry documentaries go. Prejudice is bad. But seeing the victims of that hatred reminds me of those horror movies where the babysitter being chased by the axe-weilding maniac illogically refuses to leave the house. Holding their ground in that part of the country may eventually lead to further acceptance by the peckerwoods, but I still can’t help thinking: why don’t they just get the hell out of there?

1 comment:

yvette said...

Hi Hillary! Welcome to the land of blogging. I can't think of a better person to do a movie review blog. Thanks for warning me off Stardust, and I can't wait to see the new Herzog film.