Nature's not on your side, people! Bears aren't your friend, and living off foraged roots and berries is not normal. That's what I've learned from movies like Into The Wild and Grizzly Man.
There were flaws but I did enjoy the film.
If you're into the whole 'brevity' thing, check out my brief movie recaps. They're short, sweet and contain no spoilers; just a rating of the film on a scale of 1 to 10 and a brief description of why I think you may or may not find it interesting.
I had to laugh at this review! And here I thought bears WERE our friends (remember Gentle Ben?) foraging for roots is VERY satisfying (if one lives in the wilds of Bellingham) and lord knows what happens to berries after they've been distilled for a few months...YOU GET MARTINIS! Good reviews all around.
The movie seemed self-indulgent and artsy on the directors part, but enjoyable, and worth seeing, and hey-Bart the Bear didn't hurt him.(Too skinny to eat, I think.)
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