Rating: 7
It degenerates into a little sentimentality towards the end, but still, I was interested, frightened, and affected by the sadness of the movie. I saw it at the IMAX theater, which was incredibly fun and where half the audience was in attendance not for the movie itself but rather the 7-minute Batman trailer which preceded it. The trailer was kickass. I could get on a tangent about the new Batman movie which may or may not involve Heath Ledger, as the Joker, and Christian Bale making out (please god, Please????) but this isn't about that. I Am Legend is a fun flick.
I'm in a minority here but this movie almost made me fall asleep. Effin CGI, how much money does it take to hire zombie extras? Plus I was wanting to feel the terror of being alone in the city...in the world and none of that came through for me. And...have you ever tried to sleep in a bathtub? For no particular reason?
can you tell my insomnia is kicking my arse!?
Perhaps I was just overly wowed by the imax screen.
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