Sunday, March 29, 2009


Rating: 8.5

Great chemistry between the leads and a fun, twisty plot from Tony Gilroy of Michael Clayton fame. Duplicity kicks The International's butt.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

I Love You, Man

Rating: 8.5

The Judd Apatow crew (he didn't direct it but it's the usual funny suspects in the major roles) with the whole male bonding sentimentality thing probably should be getting old by now, but I just never seem to tire of it. This movie is hilarious.


Rating: 6.5

There's some really interesting imagery, particularly of the downtrodden, slummy parts of Italy nobody knew existed, but it was so detatched, story and character-wise, that I couldn't get into it much.

Saturday, March 7, 2009


Rating: 5

Except for The Dark Night and Iron Man, superhero movies are completely lost on me. Grown-ups in costumes making speeches about right and wrong just seem silly and boring. The opening credits sequence of Watchmen is excellent and got my hopes up. Then, snooze.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Ben X

Rating: 6

I think it was a little too Dutch for my taste. I don't even know what 'too Dutch' means, but there you have it.

Two Lovers

Rating: 8.5

I know, Joaquin Phoenix is super weird, but this is a really excellent movie. You should see it.

The Reader

Rating: 8.5

There are a lot of holocaust movies out there, but not many that deal with modern day Germany's guilt about it. Also, not many holocaust movies contain sweet lovemakin'!