Friday, June 21, 2013


Rating: 8

Not the most original sci-fi, but I enjoyed the dickens out of it.


Rating: 4


Happy People: A Year in the Taiga

Rating: 9

More catch up from earlier this year;  it sounds boring I know, but for real, fur trappers in Siberia are a million times more captivating than you'd expect.

Searching for Sugar Man

Rating: 9

Catching up on past movies I've failed to blog about. Sugar Man is the most epic documentary I've seen in a very long time.  I can't recommend it enough.

World War Z

Rating: 7

Any movie where the premise is someone running from someone (or something) chasing them will always be enormously boring to me, I just can't get past it.

Having said that, as far as disaster movies go it's enjoyable and I'll like almost anything Brad Pitt does.


Rating: 8 1/2

The visuals in the 3D version are so stunning I can't believe it's not getting more attention.

This Is The End

Rating: 7

What can I say? With all these guys of course it's entertaining.