How cool is the above poster? It's an apt depiction of how brilliantly creepy Heath Ledger is in The Dark Knight. There isn't any back story about the Joker's character, so I've made up my own: it's Ennis Del Mar's revenge on the world.
August 17, Additional Note:
I saw The Dark Knight again today, and remain completely enamored of it. It contains the only action sequences I have ever enjoyed in any movie. The music is beautiful. The Bat-cycle is the coolest vehicle ever. All those terrific actors. I could go on, but that is all for now.
The Dark Knight was beyond amazing! Heath Ledger was uber creepy. I could watch it again and again.
The lack of backstory is in keeping with the comic and the idea of him as an agent of anarchy. How awesome is that?
I know I am being a master of the obvious but...godDAMN Heath OWNS this movie. I agree that the lack of backstory makes him even more scarieriest! They can never make another Batman movie (though of course they will) because this one is the effing best and cannot be topped. And I HATE this kind of movie usually! Boo hiss to dying in your prime, damn him. Gay cowboy/scary villan. (I bet that is pretty much equal to rednecks.)
Except for the brilliance of Heath's performance, I thought this movie was boring and waaaaaayyy tooooooooo loooonnnnngggg. Somewhere around the 1 1/2 hour mark the non-stop action just started to wear thin for me. I loved Batman Begins, and I liked Christian's performance as Bruce Wayne, but his Batman growl reminded me of a cross between Darth Vader and Billy Bob Thornton in Sling Blade. I did like the eventual message about Batman being the hero we have but not the hero we need, but not enough to be glad I hadn't walked out an hour earlier.
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