What I keep thinking about Changeling is this: a couple of years ago everyone had huge hard-on for Million Dollar Baby (also directed by Clint Eastwood,) and I was completely perplexed by this. It won four Oscars, including Best Picture and Best Director. I think Changeling is a much more interesting movie but all the reviews I've read so far have been lukewarm. Changeling isn't perfect - it could probably use some cutting, but it's so gorgeous with all the period detail and bizarre story details that would seem implausible if they weren't based on a real incident. It has a ton of style. Who knows why it's getting such a raw deal from the press?
I've always pretty much hated movies Clint Eastwood directs. Except for Unforgiven, they're all so SLOW so PONDEROUS. He gets away with so much because he's Clint Eastwood. Mystic River was the worst one of all. No, maybe "Bird" the one about Charlie Parker, was the worst. They're all the worst. Maybe the press is compensating for giving him a free ride all this time?
I totally agree about Mystic River. Snoozefest. Clint gets way more credit than he's due - maybe people just can't stomach the notion of criticizing Dirty Harry.
I think Changeling is an exception, though.
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